Gershon Wachtel is a Toronto-based virtuoso pianist, whose repertoire includes a broad range of Classical, Jewish, and Broadway music. He was the pianist chosen to accompany the US Women's Gymnastic Team in the 1976 and 1980 Olympics. He a degree in music from Fredonia State University and has toured the US and Europe, performing concerts in most large cities over the past 30 years. He has appeared on CBC Radio a number of times, as well as NBC TV and CBS Radio. Recently he appeared in Parliament in Ottawa, Canada to perform the Canadian National Anthem before a full house. He was received with a standing ovation by all present.
Gershon is an accomplished motivational speaker, in demand from coast to coast. His program, “Overcoming Life's Difficulties with Faith and a Sense of Humour” is a unique combination of motivational speaking and performing his usual amazing performances on the piano. People, seeing and hearing Gershon, are awed by the emotion he is able to express in putting together his unique talents that have been developed over a lifetime. There truly is no one like Gershon! Please look at our testimonials.
Contact Gershon
Telephone: 905-886-6527